Within the framework of a draft subsidy from Vlaams Stedenbeleid, we went into the Muide-Meulestede neighbourhood together with Architecture Workroom Brussels to identify a number of problems and opportunities together with the residents.

Through workshops, challenges and opportunities relating to public space, affordable housing, mobility, child-friendliness, etc. were mapped out. The project team, employees of the City of Ghent and the local residents went on a trip to Brussels together, where we were introduced to inspiring projects for the neighbourhood.
We organised a neighbourhood exhibition in the church where images of the future of the neighbourhood - Muide Meulestede Morgen - were shown, which formed the basis for a new agenda with concrete 'yards' for the neighbourhood.

In addition, an Atelier (Muide Meulestee) was set up in which the City of Ghent and the local residents work together on the realisation of the neighbourhood sites.